Seo Elite 4.0

Saturday, March 10, 2007



Are you asking why?

Your website isn’t getting top ranks on the search engines?

Your website is not getting listed on Google, Yahoo or MSN?

Are you so completely frustrated with SEO techniques and procedures that it is driving you to a state of giving up?

Are you new to SEO and all the literature online is leading you to an overwhelming state where you don’t know where to start?

Before, you read on. This is a lengthy newsletter that I personally like to ask you to take 10 minutes out of your time and read it slowly and thoroughly. Don’t rush through it, if you don’t have time, save it for later. All information that I say here will be given to you for FREE.

To answer all your questions above, I would like to say that I was once in your shoes at one point of time. I will give you all the answers you need to your questions for FREE. You will not need to purchase any online e-books on SEO ever. Why FREE? I will tell why later in this article.

I have probably bought every e-Book from every author online in the SEO category. I have bought books on making money with Google Adsense, Clickbank, Blogs, CJ, etc., you name it, and I have it. Let me say one thing, all of it is big money making SCHEME. You will not be making thousands of dollars a day like these e-books promise. You will waste your money and time, and make those authors that are selling you these schemes richer. After all, they depend on you to become rich, so they try to convince you that you will be just as rich as them. Truth is you won’t be rich at all! READ MORE ABOUT SEO GURU SCHEMES.

After years of research, I have put together an e-book called “Learn SEO in 30 Days”. Again this e-book is FREE, so there is no reason why you shouldn’t believe what I am saying in this article. Why am I doing this for free, well before I tell you, I would like you to finish reading the article so you can understand my vision.

In this e-book you will find all the information there is to know about getting highly ranked on the Search Engines, no matter what kind of website you will have. Everything in this e-book was done through trial and error processes from my own experience and this information is absolutely priceless.

I am not going to write an EXTRAORDINARY sales copy on here (Like other authors do – who charge you for there e-Books) nor am I going to try to B.S. you in order to convince you to go through my process. I will however, tell you my history in the SEO field and how my “Learn SEO in 30 Days” can benefit you and your online business. The rest is up to you to decide.


An average website which concentrates on selling products (usually retail through a distributor) cannot survive online without organic search. Organic search is free search engine listings provided by major search engines such as Google, Yahoo and MSN. These are pay-per-click search listings where you pay for every click that goes to your website. Believe it or not, 95% of all new websites never succeed to become profitable online businesses. Now you’re probably wondering, what might be the cause of this? Well, these unsuccessful websites place a greater demand on all sources other than Organic searches. In order to be listed organically (on Google, Yahoo and MSN), your website must meet the guidelines of Google, Yahoo and MSN demands. These guidelines are provided for free on every search engine help page. Nevertheless, in order to get to the top 10 listings, you must not only meet the guidelines, but also go beyond them. Fortunately, it’s a simple process, you just need to know how. ‘Learn SEO in 30 Days’ will teach you how to go over and beyond the guide lines and reach the top 10 results on every major search engine instantly.


My name is Igor Soshkin, founder of MimoUSA if you would like to learn more about my experience in this field please visit ABOUT MIMOUSA HISTORY.

Honestly, SEO is an unpredictable fluctuating market. It significantly experiences changes every week, if not every day. In order to have full expertise, it is vital for you to remain updated to its fluctuations on a daily basis, otherwise, you will be outdated. In this book, I will teach you the basics and the correct way to perform SEO. Any and all tweaks and updates will be immediately posted on our live news page which will be fully accessible with your login username and password (Only available with our FREE membership). There are no “SECRETS” in SEO to get highly ranked. It is simply a process of obtaining information which is as easy as learning in a classroom. Authors of other books who are claiming that their ‘SECRETS’ to getting top ranked or ‘SECRETS’ to making millions is not really a secret. More or less, they will provide you with a summarization of their success story which will not teach you anything in relation to becoming a millionaire. In ‘Learn SEO in 30 Days’ you will learn everything from starting a website, optimizing it online and offline, and ultimately earning a large profit.

This book will not be teaching you how to code or design web pages, so if you don’t have the knowledge to write your own website or money to invest in website, I would think twice about getting into internet marketing.

In case you do fit that person of having knowledge of web design or having lack of assets to invest in web design, I would recommend visiting MimoUSA and checking out their drop ship program. MimoUSA drop ship program provides you with all the software and tools to create your online stores without knowing any SEO.


Before continuing on, I would like to identify a few vital points:

The majority of the information that is provided in my e-book can be found online for FREE through various different sources. Some of the information was found through my own personal trial and error. Ultimately, it may be difficult to locate that information online. The amount of mistakes I discovered while testing different websites and through vigorous research can classify this information as a priceless source to learning SEO.

I personally believe in the saying, “time is money.” If you get ‘Learn SEO in 30 days’ which provides shortcuts guaranteeing a reimbursement of your investment back and more. This is considered a strong sense of smart-time managing.

Let’s say you decide to research the information that I provide you in this e-book yourself. I would like you to know that you are more than welcome to do so by using the titles of subjects that are in the table of contents. However, please keep in mind, that what you will go through is called trial and error in which I myself already went through. From my point of view, it does not make sense to make mistakes that someone else already made, especially since I am offering you this information for free. Spiders usually take 3 – 4 weeks to re-spider a website and only then will you be able to see the results from the corrections that you made. So, if you can afford losing an abundant amount of time to have your site re-spider and research about SEO than you are more then welcome to use any information provided on this website for your help in the research.

When you get ‘Learn SEO in 30 Days’, I can assure you that you will be provided with all the necessary information to pin point any problems in which may be encountered with SEO on your existing website. It will also provide you a guideline for creating a brand new websites, the “correct” way.

My e-book is not a source of information which will be read through once and then laid away to collect dust. I want my e-book to be an official source that will become your main directory for any and all SEO questions. I will be consistently updating all new information, you will have access to the e-book with new SEO updates every week. I personally believe that this information is priceless due to the fact that you will be obtaining all my SEO skills from a collection of many years. All highly kept secrets that exist about SEO will be revealed. After reading my e-book, I guarantee that you will know exactly how a website will have to look externally and internally, online and offline just by looking at it for 20 minutes.

Learn SEO in 30 Days is used in multiple private training facilities in public relations and marketing firms. This is the ultimate e-book that you can get. It is guaranteed to cover the whole nine yards for Search Engine Optimization.

View Contents


It is no secret. Nothing in this world is FREE. Everyone who offers something, there is always something behind it. After all, why would I be offering you this vital information for FREE if there wasn’t anything in it for me? Well, the sales from this e-book will be providing me with a profit through my affiliate (In this case SEO Elite). However, I don’t believe in win-lose situations, I only believe in win-win situations. My intention of creating this e-book is for both of us to highly succeed. I am providing a guaranteed profit boosting opportunity that will blow your competitors out of the water. Take on the challenge and flip your minimal investments into a money-making paradise.
The SEO Elite is very important software to have. If it wasn’t important, I wouldn’t be offering it to you. Instead I would just selling you this e-book and make my profits there. But instead of selling you the e-book and then having you go out and buy SEO Elite or a similar software, that would be unethically of me. This is why my e-book is free with the purchase of SEO Elite.

Now, you may be thinking why I am giving away so much vital information about SEO, and one day you would be able to compete against him. There has to be a trick!

Let me explain, there are no tricks. In fact if you already own SEO Elite, just send me a receipt of your pervious purchase and I will give you full access to my e-book for free.

It is not about selling my e-book or selling SEO-Elite. It is about collecting good contact information of people like you, who are interested in SEO. I have big plans for my subscribers. Once phase one is finished which is having you learn everything I know about SEO, I want to start projects involving you. In my future projects, I plan on having every one of my subscribers making money together. I am not talking about $10 or $100 per day. I am taking about hundreds and thousands dollars per day. The main reason for my e-book is to have you learn SEO. Then on my phase 2, I will be able to contact you via email and offer you to work together with us on our future projects.

Sometimes you just have to touch it, feel it, read it in order to see if a product is worth buying. That is why I am giving you a chance to simply try it out for free.




(Please note after the purchase of SEO ELITE you must email me your SEO ELITE PURCHASE RECEIPT # to get access to the eBOOK)


You see, I'm so sure that you will find my eBook so useful that it may change your life forever. That I am willing to give you full access to it and put the entire risk on my shoulders. You can place your order safely and knowing that absolutely nothing can go wrong. And if it does, you'll get your money back and that will be it. SEO Elite offers 60 day money back.

I know it may sound too good to be true but basically you can buy the book, read it and if you are not satisfied with the e-book and the SEO Elite software we will return your full money back. Why am I doing this? Because I know that after you read this e-book you will be so appreciative to the information that is in the book, plus having SEO Elite help you to execute your knowledge, the last thing you will be thinking about is your money back.

Go ahead and purchase ‘Learn SEO in 30 Days’. Then, use it to discover how to create a website that nails top ten search engine listings. Put that into action and enjoy the sales that pour in.
If after doing that, within 60 days you aren't thrilled with the success that Learn SEO in 30 Days taught you, then just say the word and we will refund your money from SEO-Elite with no questions asked. And we'll still part as friends. Fair enough?


P.S. I will also be including other SEO Books that I find have vital information about starting an online business. I can re-assure you that you will not need to purchase another e-book on SEO in your life.

P.S.S. I will also be giving you access to MimoUSA tutorial videos about selling on eBay, Amazon, Yahoo.
eBay Program Video (20 min) - This video talks about the eBay program and how it works.
Advanced Keyword Finder (8 min) - This video shows you how to use the advanced keyword finder feature on the Auction Generator.
Colors & Categories (22 min) - This video teaches you the importance of ad colors and categories and how to set them up.
Keyword Finder (23 min) - This video teaches you how to do research for keywords for the products you will be selling.
Advanced Keyword Research (50 min) - This is a critical video to watch. It is a bit long, however it shows you step by step process that you should take in order to properly research the products you will sell and the keywords you will use.
Listing in Froogle - This video will teach you how to list on services that are Froogle friendly and why it benefits you.
The Niche- Starting out a niche market instead of the general market.

P.S.S.S. I will also include multiple business solutions companies that offer services to expedite the expansion of your business for FREE.

SEO ELITE Software Introduction

Breakthrough New Software Automates The Optimization Process To Get You A #1 Ranking - All With The Single Click Of A Button! The software I use to optimize all of my websites is called SEO ELITE. Over the years I've managed to purchase every type of SEO product ever available. Things from Web Position Gold, to Traffic Power to many others. Guess what? Nothing worked. Yeah, their flashy, corporate sales letters drew me in and I ended up dishing out well over a thousand bucks on these programs. Personally, I think they target the audience of people that are just getting started with search engine optimization and just don't know what they need to do. Whatever the case is, they got me to buy. Anyway, several years went by and I was beginning to get extremely frustrated with myself and these companies... So, finally I decided to just create my own program. Afterall, I'd been working as a full time computer programmer. I used it privately for several years and was starting to see some awesome results, to say the least. I watched my income gradually increase from 100 bucks a week, to an "average" pay check of $94,321 per month! Yes, that's right. I said PER MONTH! And this wasn't even including my regular salary. I was only doing website stuff part time! Here are a couple of screenshots for some of the products I promote and the income they're currently making me: This is a weight loss related product of my own that I sell from one of my many websites.This is a direct screenshot taken from within my account... Yes, that's right, $2,969 in 1 week... from 1 product, on 1 website only. I haven't touched that website in nearly a year and it's still bringing in well over $10,000 a month of pure profit! That's over $120,000 a year from only 1 product and 1 website! Now, take a look at a more recent earnings screenshot for a different product: Does that say $51,988 within 13 days??? It sure does :-) If you're a super detective, you'll notice the date range in the second screenshot above isn't the same as the date range of the earnings screenshot at the very top. This is because I got tired of taking screenshots and pasting them into Photoshop to create the large screenshot above for each transaction... but rest assured, I pulled in almost $52,000 with this 1 product in 13 days. I guess if you really want to see proof of income for some strange reason, I'll probably get around to adding to this screenshot above when I have time. Here's another sreenshot: This is actually my Google Adsense account for another one of my websites. I just stuck up Google's Adsense code on a website and it's paying a good chunk of our house payment. :-) $793.24 earnings per month... Here's another account where I'm an affiliate for a company and promote their products.Check out the date range. This is only for 1 week. I'm bringing in nearly $15,000 per weekfor this company :-) This goes to show that you can make incredible amounts of money by spending nothing! I don't make money from these products using any pay per click listings, banner advertising, or any other type of advertising other than pure Search Engine Optimization. I don't spend a dime on advertising and neither will you! These are earnings from just 4 sources of income online... I have MANY MANY more, but from the 4 shown above, they're... Earning me roughly $120,000 a month if I were to have a high earnings month every month! Below, I've put together some very good demo videos to show you some of the features within SEO Elite. "Get Literally Hundreds Of Links Pointing To Your Website In Under 10 Minutes!" SEO Elite will find thousands of "link submission forms" and will allow you to fill out these forms and submit your link with a single click of a button. Saving you literally hundreds of hours AND shooting you to the top of the search engines in record time! "Quickly And Easily See Why Your Competitors Are Ranking Well... Then Copy Their Strategy To Blow By Them!" Take the mystery out of why certain websites are ranking well in the search engines. SEO Elite will tell you in a matter of minutes, EXACTLY why any website ranks at the top by analyzing links. Then, simply copy what they're doing and blow right by them in the search engines! "Find And Email Thousands Of Hidden, High Page Rank Link Partners Within SEO Elite!" Never again search for contact information for a website. Never again email link exchange requests manually. SEO Elite will find thousands of possible high Page Rank link partners for you. You can then email these websites with a single click of a button! Never before has link exchanging been so easy! "Monitor Your Rankings In All The Major Search Engines, For An Unlimited Number Of Keywords And Websites!" As you use SEO Elite to improve your search engine rankings, you MUST have an easy way to monitor your rankings in the search engines. Rather than manually visiting each search engine to see where your website is ranked, SEO Elite will automatically check your rankings for you! "In Seconds, Find Out If Your Link Partners Have Removed Your Link From Their Website! And Prevent Getting Penalized By The Search Engines!" A little known technique for improving your search engine ranking is to remove those websites that you link to, yet do not link back to your website. Many times you will exchange links with another website and at some point they'll remove your link. By continuing to link to a website that is no longer linking to you, you're actually hurting your ranking! "Monitor An Unlimited Number Of Websites To Find Which Web Pages Are Indexed In The Search Engines!" Use SEO Elite to easily see how many pages you've gotten the search engines to index. In order to rank anywhere in the search engines, your website must first be indexed. This will allow you to see at a glance, which webpages can actually be ranked AND more importantly which ones can't, so you can make the necessary changes (which I'll teach you) in order to rank well for your main keywords!

SEO Link Exchange Offpage Optimazation

This Is Possibly the Biggest Misconception About Ranking Well In The Search Engines…” In previous lessons I've taught you different optimization strategies. I've taught you the difference between onpage search engine optimization and offpage search engine optimization. Quick Review: Onpage search engine optimization are things that you can change ON your webpage. Title tag Header tags Bolding, Italicizing, Underlining Alt image tags Meta Tags Etc. Offpage search engine optimization comes down to basically 1 thing, which websites are linking to your wesbite and how they're doing it. Anchor text uses in your link The title of the page your link is on The page rank of the page your link is on The "theme" of the website your link is on Etc. By now, I'm hoping you see that it's the offpage search engine optimization factors that will get your website to the top of the search engines. Again, the onpage factors are things you SHOULD do, but are not nearly as important as the offpage factors. Ok... Let me show you why. Let's analyze a website! In this example I'm going to analyze the #1 ranked website on Google for the search term "click here". First, let's go to Google and enter "click here". You'll notice that the #1 ranked website is That's interesting... Now, why would rank #1 for that search term? I would think would rank well for terms like: graphic design programs create printable documents web design programs and other keywords related to what they sell... A few things you should notice while looking at the picture above. 1. The word "click here" isn't in the page title2. The word "click here" isn't in the URL of the website.3. The word "click here" isn't even in the description listed by Google! Now, let's click on the listing in Google and check out the actual webpage. Now, get this... The words "click here" aren't even on the webpage, anywhere! If all of those onpage optimization techniques that many SEO companies talk about were true, then don't you think a different website would rank #1 for this term? Onpage optimization factors like: keyword density keyword prominence keyword proximity bolding, italicizing, underlining etc. are NOT critical to worry about when trying to rank well for a search term. Yes, you should spinkle your keyword throughout the webpage and do the other onpage optimization techniques I've taught you in previous lessons, but again, I really want to drill this into your head. It is the offpage optimization that will increase your rankings in the search engines; specifically Google, Yahoo, and MSN. Then why exactly does rank #1 on Google for the term "click here"? Let's open up SEO Elite and have a quick look... 1. First, we'll select radio button 1.2. Next, we'll enter the URL from Google into step 2. ( Next, we'll select Google from the list of search engines.4. Finally, click "ok" to run SEO Elite. When it's finished running, let's click on the "report view" tab to view some of the results. The first thing you should notice is the Google Page Rank of all of the pages linking to If you click the column heading within SEO Elite labeled "Google PR", it will sort the column in descending order. You can see that the pages linking to have an extremely high Page Rank. Any website with a Page Rank of 6 or higher are VERY high page ranks. Look at all the PR8 websites linking to them! Next, let's click the "analysis view" tab. If we click the column heading titled "anchor text", it will sort this column in descending order. We can quickly see that the words "click" and "here" are within the top 10 words listed in the left hand column. Remember, the anchor text column will show you the number of times the word in the "Word" column appears in the actual anchor text of the link pointing to So, by looking at the analysis above, we can see that the word "click" appeared in 16 of the links pointing to and 6.1% of the total links pointing to contained the keyword "click". The keyword "here" was found in 32 links pointing to and appeared 12.1% of the time. Reason is ranked #1 The main two reasons that is ranked #1 for the keyword "click here" is because: 1. The websites linking to are very quality (have a high Page Rank)2. The websites linking to used the keywords "click" and "here" many times in the anchor text of the links linking to There are a few other offpage optimization factors that help to rank #1, but those are the main two reasons. I hope you can clearly see the power of offpage optimization (linking). So, the next time someone asks you what the proper keyword density is, the proper keyword prominence, the proper number of times you need to bold, italicize, or underline a keyword on your page... You can tell them that onpage optimization is NOT critical when ranking well for a given search term. Until next time, happy optimizing!